Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Survived Parts 2, 3 & 4

Here I am, back at the computer again (the font is very small on this blogger-deal). When I last blogged, we were wondering if we were headed home for a couple days. We left after a minor adjustment to our fuel line. I guess a clogged line would have stranded us somewhere near St. Louis. We had a lovely, whirlvind visit with the Stinnetts. We got to meet our new baby nephew, Joshua, born on Labor Day. He is as cute as his parents think he is. There is always lots of fun and food. We got to visit with our Texas friends, Dale and Lesa. We always take a picture of our kids sitting together on the front pew at the building. Our big ole kids fill the whole pew now--all 9 of them. Lees and I always wonder how this could happen to two such nice girls.

We raced home to have company for New Years. Adam and Amanda Bledsoe came from Conway, AR. They used to live in KC until Aug and we adopted each other at church. They had things to do, shopping and friends to visit, plus lots of cards and fun here. We picked up Jess' friend, Kyle at the airport, and ran into our college friends, Matt and Pattie Blake, Rachel and Joanna, too. We took them home with us and enjoyed a great day, visiting and laughing etc. We let the teenagers loose in Indep. and went to Red Robin. Such a treat to get to see our old friends and still like them as friends and people.

We had a few couples over for New Years. We had a ton of good eats, played cards and dominoes. Hannah and Jess rang in 2006 by running up and down the street barefoot, yelling Happy New Year. So crazy.

We enjoyed meeting Jess' friend, Kyle. Mark and I totally don't understand the semantics of modern relationships. They looked like a couple, but I hear that they are "just friends" which is ok with us. Even though we are confused, we'll take it---the 19 year old young man, must also be confused, but I can't help......He was very nice, even folded up his bedding. He played endless games of Dora Uno with the girls and let them vall him crazy nicknames. Bless his heart.

So the girls went back to school last Wed. Abby was home on Friday with strep. I think she was sick earlier in the week and didn't have anyone to take her to the dr. Kat played ball on Sat. We got Jess's clothes washed and her sent to AR yesterday. Her friend, Erin, drives a Mitisubishi Spider (sports car) and it was packed FULL when she pulled up, not realizing that Jess had filled the back of our van herself. But they squished it here and there and off they went. I was glad they left yesterday as today had winter weather between here and Springfield.

So today was the first day that Em and I had to ourselves since Dec. 16. We goofed around some, went to Story Hour and did our volunteering at Blackburn. Nice. I still have all the Xmas decorations up in the living room and kitchen. Hope to get those done and those rooms put back in order soon. (The tree is down---that's the biggie).

I have a bunch of newly learned lessons from my life's experiences this last month. I'll share those later. Just thought I'd catch everyone up on the Stinnews. I'm headed to the kitchen now to put some cornbread in the oven for the Mr. to go with his pot of beans. Even sounds good to me! Need to referee in Polly Pocket world, too. Argh!

1 comment:

Pattie said...

Well, hey....I just read your comment! I've been checking on your blog ever since the 3rd...when I knew your company would be gone! So glad to hear from you and know that things are settling back into normality!

You asked about "my girls leaving?" Well, I just thought I was all grown up and mature! I want so much for them to go out and experience the world! But....I don't want them to leave me out!

I cried and then cried some more and couldn't say the words "my girls left today" without tearing up even more! and by lunchtime yesterday, even my eyeballs were hurting!

I've talked to both of them today and all seems right again. I don't think I'm the enemy after all! :-) Both of them are getting new roommates for this semester. Interesting.

I love that I can picture your girls in my mind when I read their names. Your girls are really something and we enjoyed getting to know them. Thanks, also, for the sweet remark about your "college friends"!

OK....enough. Matt's doing fine...we just need to work on making some lifestyle (eating and exercise) changes! Hello to your girls and the Mr.! Love ya, Pattie