Hi! I've been sitting here with Keith Urban (don't tell Mark or Nicole) lol. Hannah got his new CD and we downloaded the new Xmas tunes on the "computer across from Mom's" (that's what the girls call it), the one we use for our music as it is connected to the stereo speakers. So I have been enjoying a moment of quiet with our kiwi pal, Keith. Jess and H went to see "Cheaper By the Dozen 2" with some friends from church. Mark was reading to the little girls. He found his REAL Grimm's Fairy Tale book and they have all been enjoying them. Some of them are very gruesome and gory, not Disney versions at all, and they LOVE it. :)
We had a lovely Xmas day, in spite of Em's hurling and Kat's other stomach ailment. Mark took the other 3 to services, we had brunch then opened presents. I tried so hard this year to make everything come out sort of even and was worried that I shortchanged Abby, but I did ok afterall. Mark got the new bikes out for Kat and Abby after church and Abby's face lit up, and she smiled all through the meal and afterwards. Em LOVED the Dora Dollhouse that she talked about all month. I thought it might be a one day toy, but they all were playing with it. Silly girl, opened all her presents first, like the furniture for the dollhouse, then the big one. She was so TICKLED and giggled like it was a big surprise after getting 5 packages of accessories. So funny. I went back and forth whether or not to give Kat the baby doll that I got for each of the younger 3---she is such a little athlete and acts like a jr teen agree sometimes, but she is 10 and I LOVE dolls at Xmas so I gave her hers. Wouldn't you know, she carried it around all day and slept with it, like a little bitty girl. Made my day to see her still be "little enough to love a babydoll". They are adorable dolls and the little 3 all loved them. So sometimes Mrs. Santa still knows how to score. :) We watched the new Willy Wonka movie---love that Johnny Depp as WW. Then later we stayed up late and watched Star Wars 3. Not nearly as happy as Willy Wonka, but Jess and H hadn't seen it, and they were glad to put it all together. Sort of.
We planned to head to SE MO to see the Stinnett clan today. We had feared that Mark's software problems would keep us here, or the girls' stomach virus, but we didn't see the wrinkle that our 200,000+ mile van might bring. Yesterday on the way to church, M said it really didn't want to shift at 50 mph. We are transmission experts since we have put about 5 or so in cars of our lives. Of course, nothing was open to check it today, nor were there any vans to rent or even all the rental places open, so here we are. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but today our laundry was done and we were ready, even if the van wasn't.
In spite of our change in plans, we had a nice day. It was sunny and about 55 degrees. Kat and Abby both got to ride and ride and ride their new bikes. Kat tried out her new skates, so Ab and Em skated too. Then they got out the old scooters. Nice!! They opened the new Polly Pocket girls and introduced them to all the other PollyWorld friends, all over Abby's formerly clean room. If we would have left today, it would still be clean for company. sigh......The girls got some bead craft deal that you design and then iron, so everyone got to play that today, even Dad. I think all I did was the ironing, how did that happen??
We about finished the leftovers tonight, so if we don't leave, I'll have to cook again. Life is exciting here in StinnWorld. Stay tuned.
great story. We were in Elvira Iowa and it will never be the same. Probably the last time all of us are together at "Weinachten"
246 Van Buren Street Klan
We're in the chaos that reigns supreme when all the Blake family is together! Two 4-yr olds, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20! I think the 2 youngest make more noise than all the other 6.
I'll call you tomorrow....or you can call me...I think Matt and I are going shopping for my Christmas presents. We may be at Independence Mall or it may be later....but, I do have y'all pencilled in for Friday.
903-714-8332 my cell
913-492-8248 in-law's home.
Hey.....do we need to call 911? I've been waiting for "Survived Part 2".....are you still surviving? Hope all's well in Independence! Pattie
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