Well, the plan changes about every few hours, not just daily. A few days ago I would have blogged that everything was smoothly planned out and we were set to close on each house and move all within 4 days---sweet! BUT, the lender for the SL house wants 3-5 WEEKS to process our OFFER!! Yikes!! This is not within our preferred time frame. So now we wonder and ponder, do we wait for this house, a great deal in a great neighborhood, or try to find another? Do we try to rent our KC house back for a couple weeks, or rent a POD and have to move twice and live like gypsys? So many ?, we'll find out in time.
In the meantime, I had a helper friend come and pack the kitchen with me yesterday. I was reminded how long it takes to pack EVERYTHING and how much we have to do. I wanted to get to Branson to let the girls use some free WhiteWater tickets, but not sure if that can happen. The little girls are going to VBS this week here in town. H has ortho and Abby has softball pictures tomorrow. We are all planning on hearing Mark in his debut sermon on Sunday. So much to do...
Today my big girl is 20!! How can this be? I woke up about a half hour before her birth time this am. I sent her an email last night reminding her how happy we were 20 years ago and how happy she still makes us. She called this am and was thrilled to have a MOMemail waiting for her when she got up in Florence. She got to tell me all about the free travel adventures. So fun! We're so pleased that she is having this big adventure and she's doing so well--still has all her stuff and is loving every (mostly) minute. She loved Austria, then she loved Germany--more than she expected, then she loved Switerland--did some "canyoning" ? in Interlochen, Switzerland or Germany? Glad to hear about it "after the fact". Some of the hostels they stayed in were pretty primitive, a bit scary, others were great. Happy she had a young man along to make her feel safe. They had a GREAT time!!! Also happy that they are not going to Spain on the next free travel so Josh could "run with the bulls". I KNEW he really was an "honors student" afterall. Jess can't wait to get to France.
Mark and I have opened a Pandora's box accidentally. We are the last 2 in the world to discover "24". We have heard so many people carry on about this show for years, even Mark's mom got off the phone with him on a Mon nite so she wouldn't miss an episode recently. So funny. So I got Mark Season one for Father's Day and we were immediately HOOKED! We stayed up last several nights last week and helped Jack fight the terrorists. Now we are in Season Two and are limiting ourselves to one episode per night. A stressful diversion from our regular life. :)
Time to do some real work while I can. Computer time is hard to come by around here and we have a mini Mac lab. Wish us luck on the planning and replanning!!
1 comment:
I'm glad to hear everything is going well. I will pray that God will provide an appropriate living situation for you guys.
take care
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