Monday, April 03, 2006


Well, the big news here is a SHOCKER!! Who knew that when our van clunked and wouldn't shift on our way to church last Sun nite, that it was the final straw for our head of the household! I had my final straw in June, after being stranded in Sedalia, MO--Jess and I wanted to push the dead van over the train tracks, but we didn't make it. ANYWAY, who would have guessed that this Sunday we would be driving a shiny, silver, new to us, 05 Dodge Caravan with only 22,000 miles??? We went out looking on Tuesday nite and then Thurs nite--after it quit hailing and the tornadic winds that took off some shingles in our neighborhood subsided. We had done our internet and Consumer Reports homework, drove the lowest mileage one on the lot with the "stuff:" we wanted and we were ready to deal. Mark would have made my dad proud by dickering with the salesman. We picked up our van on Friday afternoon. We laughed at how quickly they drove our old white van (with only 2 hubcaps) to the back of their lot. We have enjoyed finding all the cup holders, enjoying the working air conditioning--without a horrible stench that we had in "whitey". The girls can recline the seats, Em has a more comfy and safe car seat. They had a little glimpse on the DVD player---the radio must be on or it won't work. We listened to CD's on the way to and from services. We have never had a working tape player much less a CD player--sweet!! The stow and go storage will be really handy when we haul the "college girl" stuff. The back seats fold down flat and there is storage under the front seats too. NICE!! We didn't even know what features were out there. Things have changed in the 5 years since we looked at vans, much less 10 since our old van was new. So you can tell that we are excited about our new wheels---so comforting to know that we can get home when we head out of the neighborhood. We hope to never see another odometer turn over to 200,000 miles. Guess that means we will have to get rid of M's truck in the next 14,000 miles. :)

I laughed about us being so excited about an "almost new" vehicle. (We open the garage door and look at it.) If 50 is the new 30, then I guess it's not that weird that we are still learning how to survive in this ole world and delighting in new treasures. Of course Mark is a LOT closer to 50 than I am, but I'm still enjoying the ride on the "knowledge train." (I just made that up--no idea what it means). I do remember that my dad used to get "new car fever" every couple years and would have to go out and "kick some tires." Then before too many months, he'd come home with a new car. He had NEW cars, while we have "new to us" cars, but he would be pleased at the deal we got. The ladies at the credit union were impressed--what more do ya need?

Other than finishing my meds and getting to wear my contacts and MASCARA--not much else is new. H is running in a couple track meets every week. Kat started softball tonight---coach looks ok--team is inexperienced, but may be ok. Abby starts on Thurs. Em was playing Slap Jack with her imaginary friend, Sarah, today. I don't know why Sarah still plays with her, Em always beats her. So funny to see Em slap the pile for herself, and sometimes for Sarah. :)

The ball game is over---who really cares??? So I'll head to bed!!


Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. Even squeeky-tight folks like Mark and I can get a snoot full of it after a while. Something about those transmissions, especially when the rebuilt ones start to go bad, too, just puts us over the edge. That's what did it for us 2 years ago, and now the woman has a new Montana! So, congratulations, and enjoy the thrill of the new-car smell at least until the first coke is spilled, or the first order of fries gets lost under one of the seats. My ol' blue truck has 236,000 on it and is still going strong. Oh, it has some serious cosmetic problems, but for that matter, so do I! The body will probably rust off before the engine quits, and I'll still be driving it. Like I told James Anderson the other day, they'll probably have to bury me in it someday.

Well, no news worth telling in this venue at this point. Enjoy your new wheels, and maybe we'll get to see it when you come down for SS.


Anonymous said...

"New to us" cars are just as good as a "new" car in my book. How exciting!! We're in the market for a "new to us" car. :-) ~Tawn

Anonymous said...

i haVAN't read a better blog. DOn't DiGrESs, kRis. yoU go girL. byE

Anonymous said...

Was that Joy Kaye? -- Amie

KristinStinnett said...

Joy K usually doesn't go by "anonymous". Hmmm. Have a fun weekend and next week, Amie!!

Anonymous said...

hope your "stuff" included the optional updog package with the tates compass. mark deserves it.

~Joy Kaye~ said...

That wasn't Joy Kaye--but this is!

Congrats on your van and mascara!

I gotta run do lunch before taking myself to the ENT...after an ER visit last nite--they didn't know what was wrong with my ear, so I get to try again today. *sigh*

Happy Friday.


Anonymous said...

see mom you arent a comment loser anymore. lol LOVE you! jess

Anonymous said...

Thanks! We're going on a 'date' tonight. Woo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

wow- mark impressed the credit union ladies and he got a tates compass.

Anonymous said...

em gets her ability to cheat at cards from her mothers side of the family

Anonymous said...

the comments just keep coming -lets hear from denver.

Anonymous said...

bob denver, john denver and denver pyle are all deceased.

Anonymous said...

i meant denver, colorado - how about granular pirate, missouri

Anonymous said...

no more comments....... i mean it

Anonymous said...

anybody want a peanut?

Anonymous said...

Have fun storming the castle...

Anonymous said...

this is a WHEELie good blog with lots OF FORThright fUNny commEnts - VANna

Anonymous said...

nothing sleepy about this blog - rip VAN winkle

Anonymous said...

more substance than my last husband - iVANna trump

Anonymous said...

this blog rocks - VAN halen

Anonymous said...

a true literary masterpiece - iVANhoe

Anonymous said...

I LOVE its LUCiditY - vivian VANce

Anonymous said...

hey're good - iVAN the terrible

Anonymous said...

i'm STARting to ReallY eNjoy the delIGHTful jests - VAN gogh

Anonymous said...

vtOk you VAiN commenters, reveal yourselves. So clever!! I wish I had thought of it myself!! I'm still mourning John Denver and Karen Carpenter.

from the blog owner who can't sign in as herself b/c she doesn't know the password