Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Woe, Woe, Woe

We enjoyed the ride while it lasted. Kudos to the Astros!! Hope you guys enjoy your trip to the Windy City and home again. About a year ago we were excited about going to Boston. The ghosts of Shoeless Joe and his boys can't be any scarier than the curse of the Bambino. At least the White Sox have a new field, so the ghosts will have transferred to new homes. Maybe some Cubs fans will camp out and root for the Astros. That will doom them for sure, catching fair balls, talk about GOATS!!!

Enough rambling, we watched what was on after church. Sad ending to a GREAT season. But hey, like I previously blogged, we're used to high hopes and dashed dreams. There's more where that came from, Mizzou could still win the Big 12 N division. Chiefs may or may not make the play-offs. Then there's a winter full of Mizzou basketball and all the pondering over Quin and his bad boys vs KU and their drama---one might wonder why we even care or continue to tune in. Don't have a good answer for that, but it sure is fun when the team pulls (or PUJOLS) it together. I crack myself up!!! So have fun, Pattie and all the good Stros fans. The banter was fun! Enjoy the good times. One team will be really sad 7 or so games from now. :)

Oh, the 3 B's---Biggio, Bagwell, and Bell. I heard it tonight.

If anyone has seen my college kid, check her pulse. I think she's AWOL and I miss her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the whole thing was sort of anti-climactic after Monday's hoopla. Come from behind wins with 2 outs in the 9th inning are fun and exciting (if it's your team that Pujols it off), but let's face it, that doesn't happen very often. My post-season baseball excitement has now turned to apathy since the Cards have been eliminated, and my Giants were never in the dance. So, who's going to take the Series, well, the Sox have the better record on the season, but look where that got the Cards! The Astros have never been here before, so they've got nothing to lose, no ghosts, goats or curses, so they may be starry-eyed enough to pull it off. My natural leaning is toward the National League, anyway, so if I had to make a choice, it would be with the Astros. I guess we'll see in 4-7 games, eh?

Haven't seen the college girl, but then, we haven't been looking, either. I know she works at the ELC this afternoon, so if she's AWOL, I'm sure the panic buttons will be pushed. We did just finish up midterms on Monday, so I know a lot of students were spending a lot more time than usual being "hunkered" down. Maybe that was Jess' case.

Well, until next year.
