Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Kristin Stinnett's 1st blog

Here is my first blog. I wish I had something profound to say. Hmmmm. I will try to observe the rules that I tell my girls, "only post things that one's mother could read," If your momma can read it, then it's acceptable to the Lord. Most teen bloggers don't realize that they are posting for the whole WWW (world wide web) and yet they have a cow if their moms read their sites. If the whole world can read it, then why NOT the moms. I plan to use my site to give news about the Stinnetts latest activities. It probably will be boring to most, but then they don't have to read etc..... we'll see how it goes....

Tonight is church night. Ab and Kat have done their homework (due on Thurs). Their homework comes out on Fridays and is due on Thursday. That is the policy for the whole school. Abby and Em are playing dollhouse before their bath. They try to play every spare minute. Anyone who knows us, knows that we have a TON of dollhouse stuff collected since H was 3. Still they argue over the "people". There are never enough babies to go around. argh!! I am glad that they play so well together and enjoy all the dollhouse junk. It drives H crazy to have the furniture and people all over the room, but I tell her that we put up with her "world" for years, so be patient!! :)

Hannah came home from school with a stomach-ache. Don't know what it means, but the school nurse called b/c H was in the office 2x. Since we had the strep girls last week, don't know what to think of this. H is usually pretty healthy.

Kat is doing better on her bum foot. She is ready to be well, hopefully only a few weeks left.

No news from the college girl. Don't always know if no news is good news. Buzz called today and said they saw her over the w/e. We have now officially reached the longest we have ever gone without seeing her. She was gone to France for over 3 weeks and it's 4 weeks tomorrow that I took her to HU. I used to say that going away to college is the one of the single most growing experiences of a young life. Now I know that goes for the parent too.

Time to move on with my life. Until later.


Anonymous said...

I get to be the first comment on Kris' blog. Congratulations and we'll be reading you and I'll be critiquing with my journalistic pen.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. So good to hear about the girls and them playing dolls. Makes me miss them more! I know Adam does, too. He hasn't found any new children to play with like at Hickman and I miss seeing him with them. You really don't appreciate what all you have til you leave! Anyway, keep blogging and I'll keep reading! Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

I've got to get in on this blogging thing. I haven't decided how to use it in my classroom yet, or when we would have time to do it. I'll be reading yours to stay caught up on the busy Stinnet life. ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey momma. no news isn't a bad thing. at least not this time. you fail to mention that we chat (via AIM) almost everyday. gotta keep the crowds totally informed. lol
everyone is getting sick. well not sick sick, but sniffley. i think im gonna loose my voice too. thats always entertaining. and i can sing in my manly voice whenever i want and not bug you. haha
i love you and i miss you. i'll talk to you soon!
and i almost forgot to tell you that Ken Cameron is sometimes in my chapel, just sitting with us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Krissie, I had to use WWW before I could get in, the first time ever. Nevertheless, I got into your blogisphere safely and able to read all your exciting Stinews. (ZZZZ) No, really, this is pretty neat.
Mom went out to check on Amy. She & #14 seem to be doing OK. Nothing new, so, catch you later. Dad