Thursday, February 16, 2006

Long weekend

Here we go. One day down of a LONG weekend. The girls got out early yesterday and are out until Tuesday. Today we babysat a sweet 4 month old baby boy. So the girls were THRILLED to get to hold Henry. He is so sweet and tolerated all their woggling around.

Tomorrow we will shop for the birthday sleepovers that H and Kat are planning on attending. Kat has a scrimmage in Blue Springs tomorrow night. She said, "Cool! What is a scrimmage?" It is supposed to be 7 degrees in the am. Glad they don't have to wait for the bus in those temps. I wanted to go to Searcy to see Jess, but opted out due to a predicted ice storm on Sunday. They don't have ANY snow removal in AR at all. lol. We could have been stuck there for the rest of the semester. We also have a TON of stuff to do around here since Mark has been sick for 2 weeks. I am very READY to see Jess, but will have to wair 2 more weeks until the folks' 50 party.

Hannah and I were watching the men's skating tonight. She cracked me up BIG TIME. When the skater does a triple axel (or whatever---who can tell the jumps apart?) it really bugs her that they "swing their leg out." Then on another spin or jump, one leg is higher than the other. She is so annoyed, "why can't they just keep it straight?" She couldn't get it that the skaters use the leg to push them on the ice!!! So funny.

I'm waiting for my JC friends to roll in to sleep before their early flight out of KCI. Here they are.

Friday, February 10, 2006

What a shocker X 2!

What a shocker! The girls and I were having a "Survivor" party with a hot pizza. Except I messed up the tape and it wasn't there---argh! Anyway the bit of the news we heard/saw had H's Middle School on it. They were telling about H's Soc. Studies teacher who had been arrested for 17 counts of child porn and destroying evidence. We couldn't believe it. Mr R was so nice, so funny and seemingly competent. So SAD, SAD, SAD!!! Mark came home and said his boss called him for the cd with the staff pictures on them, so they could supply a picture to the tv. SO SAD!! Hannah has a friend spending the night and they are both upset and shocked. Just can't believe it.

Then we found out the our MU Coach Quin quit today. We figured it was coming, but just yesterday he had a big thing about "never quitting" his team. In light of our middle school drama, it really is meaningless. But we began as Coach Quin fans, who wouldn't chose seeing him on the Tiger's bench after 40 years of looking at Norm Stewart. We had the hottest coach in the NCAA, too bad he couldn't "getter done."

On a lighter note, Kat's undefeated team plays their last game tomorrow. Then we begin the championship tourney. I did check to make sure that the finals won't be the same weekend as Mark's folks 50th bash. Jess is missing 3 functions for the anniversary, H is missing a Band festival, so Kat missing the final would have been tough, but not to worry. We will all be at the reception to smile and shake hands, eat cake and celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss! :) There will be other functions and other band festivals, but we can't repeat this celebration, so thanks, girls, for your cooperation, we love ya!!

Will be tuning in to Torino!! Love the Olympics!! A different drama than I'm used to witnessing!! :)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Scary Super Bowl Sighting

There it was right in the middle of the Stones' 1/2 time show.......Mick Jagger had an underarm waggle!!! It was the scariest, greatest thing I could have hoped for. I've seen my grandma's jiggle and Oprah's, but who would have guessed that the scrawny, old-timer MICK JAGGER would have a jiggle under his arm!! I love it!1 Anybody else see it?

We were not emotionally involved in the game. We are trying to detach ourselves from the MO teams---easy when they are such losers!!! Our Truman High School Patriots are 19-3, which is AMAZING! Go Pats!! More importantly the 4th grade Blackburn Bobcats are undefeated!! Only 1 more game left in the season, then a tournament of champions!! I can already see Kat's name on the banner in the gym with all the other winning Blackburn teams! Kat even got to shoot a free throw and made one!! She usually is sending someone else to the line, instead of standing there herself. Of course I thought about bringing my camera, but didn't go back in for it.

The weekend has gone by without much fanfare. Mark came home from work at noon on Friday. Yep, that means he's SICK!! He even conceded to go to the dr on Sat am. He was unlucky enough to get Abby strep. He is feeling better today. YAY!!

All for now. Talked to Jess, she is still alive and well in AR!!